
Windows 10 change bluetooth name
Windows 10 change bluetooth name

windows 10 change bluetooth name

More information on how to use this directive can be found in INF AddReg Directive. You can override the default system scanning parameters by providing one or more of the following scanning parameters listed below into the AddReg directive. Profile drivers can specify scanning parameters settings for their device(s) in their profile driver's INF file to tailor to the specific needs of a given device scenario. If the COD Major and COD Type values are not set or are set to invalid values, the Bluetooth class installer will set these values to COD_MAJOR_COMPUTER and COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_DESKTOP, respectively. The COD_SERVICE_XXX bits are not affected by this registry entry. These values affect only the COD_MAJOR_XXX and COD_XXX_MINOR_XXX bits of the Class of Device. The Bluetooth profile driver, BthPort.sys, reads the COD Major and COD Type values to determine how it should respond to a device inquiry. You can set the COD Major and COD Type to DWORD values as defined for the Class of Device field values in the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers. Note that setting these values changes the Bluetooth Class of Device for the system, regardless of which Bluetooth radio may be attached. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters The registry path to the COD Major and COD Type values is: After the Bluetooth class installer sets the Class of Device based on these registry values, a remote device can determine whether it is connecting to a portable computer, a desktop computer, a phone, and so on. Original equipment manufacturer (OEMs) can use the COD Major and COD Type values to indicate the Class of Device for a Bluetooth-enabled Windows device. …others will require opening the three-dot menu.This section describes the class-of-device (CoD) registry subkeys and entries that apply to the Bluetooth driver stack. On some devices, you can simply tap the name to change it… Your device name will be listed in the Bluetooth settings.

windows 10 change bluetooth name

If you select “Connection Preferences,” you’ll now see “Bluetooth.” On some devices, you’ll see “Connection Preferences”…

windows 10 change bluetooth name

Here’s where things can be a little different, depending on your phone or tablet’s manufacturer. Next, tap “Connected Devices” from the list. We’ll show you how it looks on two different devices.įirst, swipe down from the top of the screen once or twice and tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu. In general, you’ll be looking in the “Connected Devices” section of the Settings menu. The process of changing the Bluetooth name is simple, but it can vary depending on which Android device you have. We’ll show you how to customize the name. While this is a good identifier usually, it can sometimes not be the most helpful. When you connect a device to an Android phone or tablet, the device model name is what you see.

Windows 10 change bluetooth name